Garden Etiquette
Yume Japanese Gardens is a tranquil haven, and we ask visitors to treat it with care to preserve its peaceful beauty, sensitive plantings, and carefully tended landscapes. While in the Gardens, please respect our visitor and photographic policies.
Visitor Policies
Stay on the pathways at all times except when sitting on benches, verandas, or in viewing shelters.
Keep pathways clear and accessible for others, particularly the disabled.
Refrain from smoking in the Gardens or parking areas.
Cell phone use is prohibited except for photography or filming.
Service animals are welcome, but leave other pets outside the Gardens.
Adults must accompany small children, especially in the pond area.
Food and beverages (except bottled water) are not allowed in the Gardens except during tea ceremonies, artist receptions, and catered special events such as weddings or organizational retreats.
Do not take plant cuttings, pick flowers, climb trees, step into raked areas, throw objects (including coins) into the koi pond, or feed the fish anything other than food pellets purchased from the Gardens.
Parking at the Gardens is limited. Do not block other vehicles or our parking lot entrance and exit. Do not park in handicapped spaces without a permit.
Lock your car and take valuables with you. We are not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to the property of visitors.
Firearms are not allowed on the premises. Yume is a weapon-free zone. Please, help us keep our Gardens a place of peace and harmony.
Photographic Policies
Visitors who wish to photograph and film in the Gardens are encouraged to do so for their personal, casual use and the enjoyment of memories. Please observe the following guidelines.
Because pathways must be kept accessible, tripod use is not permitted. Monopods are allowed.
No photography or filming is allowed by professional photographers or amateurs acting as professionals.
Formal family and individual portraits, and posed holiday, engagement, wedding, and quinceañera portraits are prohibited except by prior arrangement with Gardens management. Fees may apply in approved cases.
Photography and filming of our gardens, buildings, Gift Shop, Museum, and Art Gallery, as well as of our classes, events, and exhibitions for any commercial, advertising, or promotional use is strictly forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: publishing and marketing in any media, including electronic; use in mobile apps and computer games and software; use in educational materials; product, service, and retail merchandise advertising; compensated posting in blogs or in other social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, and Pinterest; presentation on television, in films, or in any other video format for public consumption, including YouTube and TikTok; or any other situation in which the photographer receives payment or other consideration for use of the images.
Our logo and all images and designs on our website, in our mobile apps, and in our membership materials (including our newsletter), as well as in our signage, exhibit graphics, and pamphlets, posters, flyers and other public information pieces are protected by copyright. They may not be copied and reproduced without our prior, written permission.
We reserve the right to prohibit other photography, filming, and image reproduction as circumstances may require.
Visitors and volunteers who wish to submit their photographs or videos for uncredited and uncompensated use in commercial, advertising, marketing, educational, and promotional materials produced by us may upload them to yume.gardens@gmail.com. Selection of material and its reproduction is at our sole discretion.
We are committed to preserving the authentic atmosphere and fragile environment of the Gardens. Those who do not comply with visitor and photographic policies or who indulge in inappropriate or offensive behavior will be asked to leave without a refund of their admission fee.